Cheat Sheets for PHP

When editing on the web it’s always nice to have a few good references on hand.  Every new project has a unique blend of markup and scripting, remembering all that syntax isn’t always easy.  Add some of these references to your documents folder to refresh your memory whenever you need it.

PHP Reference from Added Bytes

One page covering array functions, string functions, filesystem functions, fopen(), regular expression functions, regular expressions syntax, PCRE modifiers, date and time functions, and date formatting.

PHP Reference

BlueShoes: PHP Cheat Sheet

Reference Tables for Data Types, Comparison using ==, and Comparison using ===.


DreamInCode PHP Quick Reference Sheet

Data types, variable declarations, declare array, initialize array, common array functions, comments, arithmetic operators, relational operators, logical operators, assignment operators, string concatenation, string, manipulation, cookies, sessions, error handling, super global, if else, inline if, for loop, for each loop, while loop, do-while loop, switch, function structure, class structure, declare and use class.


PHP 4 Reference Card (from The Quick Reference Site)

Escaping HTML, basic syntax, data types, predefined PHP variables, control structures, flow of control, functions, classes and objects, operators, predefined Apache variables, string functions, filesystem function, mathematical functions, unified ODBC functions, session handling functions, and miscellaneous functions.


Filtering and Escaping


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